Monday, October 21, 2013

Yes! ♫ ♫ ♫ !! ♪♫•*♫•♪♫♪♫•*♫•♪♫♪♫•*♫•♪♫♪♫•*♫•♪♫♪♫♥!! •*♫• Say Amen Somebody ! Well, the summer's long gone and fall is in hot pursuit. The old adage of time flying is no lie. You blink twice and it's gone! The October 17th birthday was wildly wonderful. Over 186 friends on Facebook chimed in with well wishes. Folks from two of the three extended families took the time to offer their best wishes. But the icing on the cake had to be little Kelsey Getchel's best wishes and the cup cake with the candle that little Logan presented me. How blessed I am!

Those who forgot weren't terribly missed. My cup ran over! God is so good.

I felt so grateful for several of the gifts that I had to pause and reflect on the things in life that truly give it meaning. The things that money can buy have their place. Ah, but to have family and friends from near and far extend warm wishes to you on your birthday, well, it's the next best thing to........oh, never mind. :-).

Two days later, on October 19th, Rachel and I worked the Riverfire/Horrorfest event at Northern Forest Heritage Park. To the record attendance, we sold *Fried Dough* at $5.00 a pop and sold out early. You should have seen the wave after wave of disappointed guests we turned away! With no fried dough to sell, we sold sodas and water for $1.00 a can or bottle until we closed and went home at close to 10:00pm. We estimate we raised close to $2,000.00. There were wall to wall families, which I love to see and an unbelievably fair weather day.

Now, we have a rest up.