Monday, December 2, 2013

Monday, November 11, 2013

All 4 One - I Can Love You Like That [with lyrics] (+playlist)

Friday, November 8, 2013

Alvin & The Chipmunks with The Chipettes - Give Thanks (Ver. 2) (+playlist)

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Pass it on Say Amen Somebody!!!!!!

 Say Amen Somebody!!!!!! <3 p="">


Something beautiful, something good
All my confusion He understood
All I had to offer Him was brokenness and strife
But he made something beautiful of my life
If there ever were dreams
That were lofty and noble
They were my dreams at the start
And hope for life's best were the hopes
That I harbor down deep in my heart
But my dreams turned to ashes
And my castles all crumbled, my fortune turned to loss
So I wrapped it all in the rags of my life
And laid it at the cross.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Yes! ♫ ♫ ♫ !! ♪♫•*♫•♪♫♪♫•*♫•♪♫♪♫•*♫•♪♫♪♫•*♫•♪♫♪♫♥!! •*♫• Say Amen Somebody ! Well, the summer's long gone and fall is in hot pursuit. The old adage of time flying is no lie. You blink twice and it's gone! The October 17th birthday was wildly wonderful. Over 186 friends on Facebook chimed in with well wishes. Folks from two of the three extended families took the time to offer their best wishes. But the icing on the cake had to be little Kelsey Getchel's best wishes and the cup cake with the candle that little Logan presented me. How blessed I am!

Those who forgot weren't terribly missed. My cup ran over! God is so good.

I felt so grateful for several of the gifts that I had to pause and reflect on the things in life that truly give it meaning. The things that money can buy have their place. Ah, but to have family and friends from near and far extend warm wishes to you on your birthday, well, it's the next best thing to........oh, never mind. :-).

Two days later, on October 19th, Rachel and I worked the Riverfire/Horrorfest event at Northern Forest Heritage Park. To the record attendance, we sold *Fried Dough* at $5.00 a pop and sold out early. You should have seen the wave after wave of disappointed guests we turned away! With no fried dough to sell, we sold sodas and water for $1.00 a can or bottle until we closed and went home at close to 10:00pm. We estimate we raised close to $2,000.00. There were wall to wall families, which I love to see and an unbelievably fair weather day.

Now, we have a rest up.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Homes of Hawaii

Homes of Hawaii
Impressive. Hope to get a closer look in the near future.

Bob Moody

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Well, Mother's Day is history, has come and gone, and a grand day it was at our new house. We've moved from Berlin to Milan, into a farm house, circa. 1930. The two boys, the little, flop-eared hound, Miss Tacy, Rachel and the world's greatest mother-in-law, are all in heaven. Step-daughter and her three kids are here as well........helping unpack, supposedly.

There have been *challenges* setting up house, for sure. Rachel's cousin Dicky and her uncle are a God send because they took care of all the plumbing problems and made several significant improvements to boot.

The test pit was dug today for the new septic system, to see if the soil perked. It did. The place had a cesspool. I have yet to have the well water tested. The water works people a few towns down the road are a state certified testing facility and for $35.00, they'll give us a thorough and complete analysis.

The kids are both in a new school until mid June......and ambivalent about it. I suppose it's understandable. Making all new friends is tough when you're 6 and 11 years old. The neighbor, ah. That's another post for another time. Ugh.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Greetings and salutations-

Well, it's Saturday, April 20th, 2013. "So", you might say. Well, I'd like to suggest that this is a day that we haven't seen before. It's a day, once it's past, that we won't see again. Therefore, we ought to be thankful, grateful for this day. There are some in the Boston area who fell victim to what went on at the merithon and the ensuing manhunt. Through no fault of their own, they are deceased. It's been a week like none in recent memory. They aren't here to enjoy this day.

Next week we're scheduled to close on a farm house across the street from the church we attend weekly. We've outgrown the apartment we've called home for a number of years. Because we pay our bills and don't have a bunch of debt, we had no *credit score*. Dozens of mortgage companies told us no. A credit union or two also told us no, the last one suggesting we try borrowing "hard money". I suppose that's money you borrow from someone other than a bank or a credit union, someone like a loan shark, a church or a rich uncle. Since we only wanted 40 g's, it was reasoned that this would be best.

We put feelers out and kept coming up empty. Getting discouraged, I put it to God. Surely He could and would help us with what amounted to the price of a new car or truck.

Thursday evening as I was leaving choir rehearsal, my prayer was answered. Someone offered to loan us what we needed, interest free. Needless to say I thanked God all the way home, all fifteen miles. Tears of joy welled up in my eyes. I could hardly wait to get home to our small apartment. I couldn't wait to tell the family.

I learned an important lesson from this. Things are not always what they seem. People who are in business to help others, very often don't. Kin-folk, who you know to be well off, will often turn you away. And from the least expected places can come the answer to your fervent prayers. Truly, God's ways are not our ways. Each day is a new chance, a new miracle, a new beginning.......if we choose to see it that way. So, we give thanks.

I urge you, if you have a need, to try God. He'd love to help you, to be a dear friend to you. Try Him.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Well, it's almost Saint Patrick's Day. It's time to put behind remembrances of overeating at Christmas and New Years gatherings. It's time to focus on the song and the merriment incidental to St. Paddy's Day. And as always, it's time to remember Goretti and the 14years we were together.

There will be toasts and there will be boasts. There will be beers and there will be tears. There will be laughter at all the past foolishness and there will be happiness that many of us are still here. There'll be a tear or two for the departed and talk of how we miss them.

Happy St. Pat's Day !

Monday, January 7, 2013

Rest In Peace, Mary Ebel.

How heavy-hearted I became upon learning that Mary Ebel had passed. Such a sweet and gentle woman.
As my late wife, Maggie, was failing and running out of time here in the land of the living, Mary came to visit with us several times and share her beautiful spirit with us. Not that she had to but wanted to.
Truly she will be missed, as much for her laughter and the sunshine she seemed to exude, as for her sweetness of soul. And as much as her family, her friends and loved ones, like me, will miss her, her suffering is over and now her joy will know no end. As much as we all love and will miss her, her new home is in a building.......not made by hands.
God bless your sweet memory, Mary.

Rest in peace, O good and faithful servant !
I suppose you might file this post under the heading:"Kids Say The Darnedest Things!"

Mrs. Moody tells me that she had an interesting day in kids Sunday School (1-06-13). She posed a question. She asked the children to say what they thought God said when He finished His work of creation. Little miss Cassidy's hand shot up first. Being recognized, Cassidy blurts out: "I do good work !"

After I finished a gut laugh, the kind that comes from deep inside, I smiled and thought: "Amen!"

He's still on the job doing "......good work !" When we least expect it, He blesses us so richly with the little things that we might easily overlook.

God bless us everyone.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Love, love, love......Peaches!

Love, love, love........ I love peaches, but...they go through me like U.S.Grant went through Richmond ! Safe to say that while I truly love peaches, they do not love me......else they'd stay a while.

It wasn't always so. I can remember as a kid growing up lapping up aunt Martha's and aunt Elvira's "Gone to glory ! Peach Cobbler. I'm drooling as I type. No word of a lie, it was heavenly.

That was long ago and far away. The crust, I recall, was light, flaky......buttery. The whipped cream was hushed by the goodness of the peaches and the tasty, thick juice that they rested in. Yes, I often hurt myself but no more. The price of my indulgence would be more than I care to pay.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

What ? More snow ? Ugh !

Overnight we were blessed with two more inches of the white stuff. When I awoke it was still coming down. It finally decided to stop......around 10:45 AM. Mercy ! It's only early January, for Pete's sake. Hope this pattern doesn't hold through April. What EVER shall I do ?

To add insult to injury, #2 son, Sy, called from Santa Monica, CA. Said they'd just come back from the beach and that the water was SO warm. Kids ! I wanted to make a snowball and throw it from Berlin, NH to Santa Monica, CA. Oh to whack him up side the head with some of this powdery sunshine.

He said he and the kids had a great Christmas and New Years. I told him I was glad. Said ours was great as well. He told me that his landlord had finally found a buyer for the place they're renting. I suppose they'll be moving within the next few months but their desire is to find another place in the same neighborhood. They love it there. God's a great provider, I thought. It'll be fine.

I got to speak to little Miss Bean. How *grown-up* she sounds on the phone! When last I spoke to them she was taking voice lessons. I guess it's money well spent. Maybe she'll give Aretha a run for her money.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

How to Book a cruise-at up to 75% off! | SmarterLifestyles

How to Book a cruise-at up to 75% off! | SmarterLifestyles.      News I can use

Farewell 2012;Welcome 2013

Yea ! So happy that school resumes tomorrow. The Christmas and New Year's break's over. Let there be peace and quiet with the morning coffee. Let there be plump, sweet blueberries in that bowl of piping, hot oatmeal. And let me miss the boys fighting over who gets the cereal box first. Yea ! School's back in session.

God is good.  :-).