Saturday, December 29, 2012

A happy, happy New Year.

Monday, December 24, 2012

♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫ We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! ♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫
What a time we had at church last evening! The children outdid themselves, sang their little hearts out. I don't think anyone was more pleased than pastor Bill. Even the scripture readings went well. And Trish Schute literally got a standing ovation, she was so good.

 I confess I love this time of year, so full of reasons to rejoice and give thanks. Sadly, there always seems to be some sad event to grab the headlines. I just read of some fellow firefighters killed by gunfire as they responded to suspected arson fires in Webster, NY. Two others are clinging to life in the hospital, the result of the same shooting. It seems there's always some spirit anxious to steal our Yuletide joy.

In spite of this, a Merry Christmas to all. A most prosperous New Year as well.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

So pleased things went well last evening and today. Last evening, Rachel and Angeline with help from Glen and Brandon, took the kids to West Milan Community U.M.Church to sing and present a pageant of the Nativity. I thought they did well. Also in attendance was A young lady who played both the flute and the harp, a gentleman who played the accordion and a woman keyboardist. There were about 40-45 persons in attendance, which means the small church was about 1/2 full, the capacity being 75-80.

Today, Sunday, December 23, 2012, and these kids performed as they did last night only this time they were at the Salvation Army Chapel here in Berlin, NH. This time I wasn't present because I had choir duty at Milan Community U.M.Church, our *home* church. Both Rachel and Angeline swear they were excellent, much better than last evening. I'll have to take their word for that.

Tonight, they bring their singing nativity to Milan Community U.M.Church. Even though I have choir, I hope to be able to snag a few photos of the kids singing and celebrating the nativity the birth of the Christ child.

I'll have to get a thumb drive and save the photos and videos to it for Pastor Bill. He can then have compact discs made to distribute to those out of the area and those who are shut in.

Lastly, I was pleased to go with several other choir members to the Hospital here in town to sing Christmas carols to several patients on the forth floor, a church member in particular. After singing several carols, chatting and having prayer, we proceeded to leave, caroling as we did, when we were stopped with a request. The daughter of a patient who wasn't expected to have much longer to be in the land of the living asked if we wouldn't come near her mother and sing a few carols to her. This we did moving the daughter to tears. To tell the truth, I, too, was moved to tears. Those nurses at the Nurse's station were visibly moved as well. We all left there, as it were, walking on a cloud. For sure, little things mean a lot.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Rachel and daughter Angeline are to be commended. What a fantastic pageant they've put together for church services at both West Milan church and Milan Community UM church here in the NH north country. The little ones are costumed as various animals, angles, wise men, Mary and Joseph. They've even made a manger! Kudos! Kudos! Kudos!
The chances are looking up for a white Christmas. Is that *romantic* or what ? Rest in peace beloveds.

Bob :-).
Here's  wishing everyone a very merry Christmas and a healthy, prosperous New Year.

Bob  :-).