Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Damned if you do ! Damned if you don't ! Some situations are win-win, some are NO-win. It's intentional and by design.

Two friends at the Senior Center, met at Monday night Bingo, had a whirl-wind romance and , being so in love, wanted to get married.

Everyone was so happy for them but cautioned them not to tie the knot. Why?, they asked.

Because one of you will lose their Social Security benefits, that's why. No way, they thought.

So they tied the knot and were all set to live very happily ever after. When they notified the local Social Security office, they were congratulated and made indigent simultaneously. Neither had enough for their prescriptions, food, rent or doctor's bills. Confused and not knowing what to do, they told their friends of their plight. We told you so, they all said.

But we just wanted to do the right thing, replied the newly weds. Yes, we know, came the compassionate reply. But it's not a perfect world and the system's broken. You need to file for seperation and let them know it didn't work out. You can then live happily ever after with the blessings of a broken system. They did.............and they did.

Moral: If it's broken, don't fix it. It may be that way by act of congress.

Monday, February 11, 2008

My Honey-Lamb is in ICU with"breathing tubes" coming out of her mouth thanks to Basic Ultra Light 100's. And while the cigarette companies never forced anyone to smoke, IMHO they as guilty of murder as if they did. First degree, with malice and fore-thought. It sucks that it's all perfectly legal. I swear we've got the finest government that money can buy.