Sunday, January 6, 2008


Maybe we ought to have others monitor our elections, they could learn a lot about how to steal votes from the professionals. I can see all the third-world observers. Surely they'd be impressed. Who cares if the founding fathers are rolling over in their graves. We could show them how it should be done.

Yup, our crooks are the finest money can buy;bought and paid for they are. They know what's best for us. Right!

Our morons at the helm.

Well, it has finally happened. They're using the R word. Recession ! This administration has ruined the nation. If it's about the economy, Stupid, then we're in deep do-do thanks to the likes of the one per cent who know what's best for the ninty nine. Afraid we're looking at a global cloapse. Shades of Herbert Hoover!
Passport Photo of Granpa Bob.
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